31 October 2011


Week 11 is the last TWC lecture. The discussion held in this session was on Technology Assessment and Forecasting: Developing a Framework for Understanding What Comes Next. The focus was to forecast what may be the future technology and the methodologies we can used to predict the trend of emerging technology.

One interesting quote from the lesson is "Look before, or you'll find yourself behind" by Benjamin Franklin. I am deeply convinced by the truth in the statement. Foresight is essential for us to catch up with the progress of technology. If we are only content with where we are currently at, we may find ourselves to be disconnected from majorities with the presence of the state-of-the-art technology.

The video Prof Shahi showed about Siemens really amazed me. I did not realize the wide range of areas Siemens has been involved in until watching the video. The developments in sectors such as railways, water purification, healthcare and environmental compatible energy are really impressive. It is hard to imagine a company known to be close to me as manufacturing household appliances can contribute much more to society than we usually see. This is also the reason why we should not just stand on the spot and wait for things to be crystal clear on their own. Rather we need to explore and to venture into the world where technologies are more advanced than those we are normally experiencing.

There are various methodologies to assess technology and predict the emerging trends. What are top in the list are "analyzing the future potential of technologes", " supporting policy/strategy development" and "network building". These measures also facilitate the development in R&Ds as they allow the research to tap into vital arenas and set priorities to the relevances.

The methodology does give one a reference to where we will be heading in the coming future. However, it does not have a finite answer to the future. Besides the tools in helping us seek for the relevance, we have to have our own judgement on what we believe may come true in the days to come. Only what we believe and the actions taken will realize our imagination and foresight.

Like Alan Key says, "the best way to predict the future is to invent it."

Session Rating: 8/10

25 October 2011


This week's focus was on Emerging and Future Technologies.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."
 - Albert Einstein.

It is clear to us that creativity knows no boundaries and it is always one of the the driven factor that makes impossible turn into possible. Technology is the product of creativity when people obtain the ability to convert the strong desires into reality. 

Key takeaways from the session:
  1. Market-driven research and development
  2. Supply can sometimes create demand.
  3. Mass media influence

The class had a discussion on some upcoming technologies such as biotechnologies, nano technologies, robotics etc. An interesting video shown during class that attracted my attention was the AI Robotics - the perfect woman. However, disputes on such technology was brought up. Despite how amazing this robot is, concerns on exploitation for use in acts of terrorism and the repulsiveness from certain region due to the manipulation of what human beings should originally be were set on the table. 

From my point of view, the creation of new technology is unstoppable unless people cease thinking wild and trying. We have no means to prevent the technology from emerging. But we do have the chance of get the use of technology on the moral path. It is unknown as to what is in the future. Why do we criticise and worry about what is around us now to avoid the possibilities of negative impacts of technology ?Why do people spend effort and time on arguing if a technology is justifiable when rather they could put in more emphasis on how it should be corrective use? 

It is true that we have to evaluate what a technology may bring to us. But giving it a NO is not going to solve the concerns and worries. Worse, despite the protest of  the presence of emerging technology, most protester just stand there and wait for the worries to happen. Therefore, I am suggesting negation is not the key to the threatens embedded in an emerging technology. We should rather work on how to improve the technology to make it more catered to what we really desire with cautious and care.

Session Rating: 9/10